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There are 2 places you can put your themes:

  1. Themes folder in Home directory
  1. Themes folder in Spicetify executable directory

If there are 2 themes with the same name, the theme in the Home directory is prioritized.

Every theme should contain:

  • color.ini: stores colors values that later will be converted to CSS variables
  • user.css: set of custom CSS rules to manipulate, hide, move UI elements.

Color value can be in several formats and forms:

  • Hex: e.g #FF0000, #1258F6, #F55

  • Decimal: e.g 255,255,255, 50,80,120

  • Environment variables can be used in place of color.

    • Syntax: ${<variable name>}
    • Example usage: text = ${LIGHT_GREY}
  • [Linux] You can use XResources variable in place of color. Extremely useful for who uses pywal to generate color scheme.

    • Syntax: ${xrdb:<variable name>} or ${xrdb:<variable name>:<fallback value>}
    • Example usage:
text = ${xrdb:color14}
subtext = ${xrdb:foreground:#FFF}
player = ${xrdb:background}