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This type is deducted from Spotify's internal usage. It may not be accurate and may change in the future.

type Metadata = Partial<Record<string, string>>;

An example of metadata object, not a type definition, may not include all properties.

type Metadata = {
actions.skipping_next_past_track: string;
actions.skipping_prev_past_track: string;
added_at: `${bigint}`;
album_artist_name: string;
album_disc_count: `${number}`;
album_disc_number: `${number}`;
album_title: string;
album_track_count: `${number}`;
album_track_number: `${number}`;
album_uri: string;
artist_name: string;
artist_uri: string;
// URL
canvas.artist.avatar: string; string;
canvas.artist.uri: string;
canvas.canvasUri: string;
canvas.entityUri: string;
canvas.explicit: "true" | "false";
canvas.fileId: string; string;
canvas.type: string;
canvas.uploadedBy: string;
// URL
canvas.url: string;
collection.can_add: "true" | "false";
collection.can_ban: "true" | "false";
collection.in_collection: "true" | "false";
collection.is_banned: "true" | "false";
context_uri: string;
duration: `${bigint}`;
entity_uri: string;
has_lyrics: "true" | "false";
// Internal URL paths, not URLs
image_large_url: string;
image_small_url: string;
image_url: string;
image_xlarge_url: string;
interaction_id: string;
iteration: `${number}`;
marked_for_download: "true" | "false";
page_instance_id: string;
popularity: `${number}`;
title: string;
track_player: string;