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This type is deducted from Spotify's internal usage. It may not be accurate and may change in the future.

type ContextOption = {
contextURI?: string;
index?: number;
trackUri?: string;
page?: number;
trackUid?: string;
sortedBy?: string;
filteredBy?: string;
shuffleContext?: boolean;
repeatContext?: boolean;
repeatTrack?: boolean;
offset?: number;
next_page_url?: string;
restrictions?: Record<string, string[]>;
referrer?: string;
contextURIstring | undefinedContext URI.
indexnumber | undefinedTrack index.
trackUristring | undefinedTrack URI.
pagenumber | undefinedPage number.
trackUidstring | undefinedTrack UID.
sortedBystring | undefinedSorted by timestamp.
filteredBystring | undefinedFiltered by timestamp.
shuffleContextboolean | undefinedShuffle context URI.
repeatContextboolean | undefinedRepeat context URI.
repeatTrackboolean | undefinedRepeat track URI.
offsetnumber | undefinedOffset.
next_page_urlstring | undefinedNext page URL.
restrictionsRecord<string, string[]> | undefinedRestrictions.
referrerstring | undefinedReferrer.