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Spicetify provides a set of React hooks used by the Spotify client. You can use these hooks to create a React component interactive with the client.


It is recommended that you be familiar with React before using these hooks.

namespace ReactHook {
function DragHandler(
uris?: string[],
label?: string,
contextUri?: string,
sectionIndex?: number,
dropOriginUri?: string
): (event: React.DragEvent, uris?: string[], label?: string, contextUri?: string, sectionIndex?: number) => void;
function usePanelState(id: number): { toggle: () => void, isActive: boolean };
function useExtractedColor(uri: string, fallbackColor?: string, variant?: "colorRaw" | "colorLight" | "colorDark"): string;



React Hook to create interactive drag-and-drop element.

Used to create a draggable element that can be dropped into Spotify's components (e.g. Playlist, Folder, Sidebar, Queue)

function DragHandler(
uris?: string[],
label?: string,
contextUri?: string,
sectionIndex?: number,
dropOriginUri?: string
): (event: React.DragEvent, uris?: string[], label?: string, contextUri?: string, sectionIndex?: number) => void;


urisstring[] | undefinedList of URIs to be dragged.
labelstring | undefinedLabel to be displayed when dragging.
contextUristring | undefinedContext URI of the element from which the drag originated (e.g. Playlist URI).
sectionIndexnumber | undefinedIndex of the section in which the drag originated.
dropOriginUristring | undefinedURI of the desired drop target. Leave empty to allow drop anywhere.


Function to handle drag event. Should be passed to onDragStart prop of the element. All parameters passed onto the hook will be passed onto the handler unless declared otherwise.


const DraggableComponent = () => {
// Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
const uri = "spotify:track:5FVd6KXrgO9B3JPmC8OPst";
const label = "Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys";

const handleDragStart = Spicetify.ReactHook.DragHandler([uri], label);

return (
<div draggable onDragStart={handleDragStart}>


React Hook to use panel state.

function usePanelState(id: number): { toggle: () => void, isActive: boolean };


idnumberID of the panel to use.


Object with methods of the panel.

toggle() => voidToggle the panel.
isActivebooleanWhether the panel is active.


const PanelComponent = () => {
// The ID can be either Spotify's default panel IDs or your custom panel ID registered via `Spicetify.Panel.registerPanel`
const { toggle, isActive } = Spicetify.ReactHook.usePanelState(5);

return (
<button onClick={toggle}>
{isActive ? "Close" : "Open"} Panel


React Hook to use extracted color from GraphQL.

function useExtractedColor(uri: string, fallbackColor?: string, variant?: "colorRaw" | "colorLight" | "colorDark"): string;

This is a wrapper of ReactQuery's useQuery hook. The component using this hook must be wrapped in a QueryClientProvider component.

Look into the example below for more information.


uristringURI of the Spotify image to extract color from.
fallbackColorstring | undefinedFallback color to use if the image is not available. Defaults to #535353.
variant"colorRaw" | "colorLight" | "colorDark" | undefinedVariant of the color to use. Defaults to colorRaw.


Extracted color hex code.


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

const { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } = Spicetify.ReactQuery;
const { useExtractedColor } = Spicetify.ReactHook;

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

const Component = () => {
const [imageUri, setImageUri] = useState( ?? "");
const color = useExtractedColor(imageUri);

useEffect(() => {
// Listen to track change
const listener = () => {
setImageUri( ?? "");
Spicetify.Player.addEventListener("songchange", listener);

return () => Spicetify.Player.removeEventListener("songchange", listener);
}, []);

return (
<div style={{ backgroundColor: color }}>
Hello World

const App = () => {
return (
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<Component />