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Create buttons in the top bar, next to the navigation buttons.

This is useful for creating buttons that are generally static and whose actions have an impact on the whole app, such as a button that opens a settings menu.

namespace Topbar {
class Button {
constructor(label: string, icon: SVGIcon | string, onClick: (self: Button) => void, disabled?: boolean, isRight?: boolean);
label: string;
icon: string;
onClick: (self: Button) => void;
disabled: boolean;
isRight: boolean;
element: HTMLButtonElement;
tippy: any;


labelstringLabel of the button.
iconSVGIcon | stringIcon of the button.
onClick(self: Button) => voidCallback function when the button is clicked.
disabledbooleanWhether the button is disabled.
isRightbooleanWhether the button is button placed on right side.



All of the listed properties are dynamic and can be changed at any time. Look into the example below for more information.

labelstringLabel of the button.
iconstringIcon of the button.
disabledbooleanWhether the button is disabled.
onClick(self: Button) => voidCallback function when the button is clicked.
elementHTMLButtonElementHTML element of the button.
tippyanyTippy instance of the button. For more information, see Tippy.js.



Tippy, onclick or any other click events will not work if disabled is set to true. You will need to manually enable the button inside your extension.

This is due to the limitations of Tippy itself and how HTML elements work.

// Button is automatically added to the top bar when created.
// Each button comes with a preconfigured Tippy instance that aims to mimic the original Spotify tooltip.
const button = new Spicetify.Topbar.Button("Hello", "download", () => {
Spicetify.showNotification("Hello world!");

// Change button properties.
// Changing label will also change the tooltip content.
button.label = "Hello world!";
button.icon = "play";
button.disabled = true;

// You can also set properties of the HTML element. = "red";
button.element.oncontextmenu = () => {
Spicetify.showNotification("You right-clicked me!");
button.element.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Do something else.
Spicetify.showNotification("You clicked me!");

// You can also change properties of the Tippy instance. For more information, see
button.tippy.setContent("Hello world!");

// Or if you want to use HTML.
content: "<b>Hello world!</b>",
allowHTML: true,